Tips For A Winning Attitude

Every dieter struggles to maintain a weight loss attitude. All it takes is one tiny slip of eating too much chocolate and you want to quit. If you’ve tried to diet but think it’s just too hard and want to give up, try these four tips to develop a losing attitude.

1) Never give up. The first rule you must learn is that you can never give up. No matter how difficult things become, or how much you’d love to cheat on your diet, you can never give up.

2) Each day is a new day. One of the biggest reasons why so many diets fail is because you cheat one day then feel so guilty that you tell yourself that it’s useless and that you may as well just give up. (See Rule #1.)

3) Set yourself up for success. Failure does not happen for any good reason at all. If you fail it’s because you have surrounded yourself with a failing environment. If your weakness is snack cakes, then throw away any in your cabinets and don’t buy another box to bring home. When you set yourself up for success, your diet will be much easier to follow.

4) Test your hunger level. The next time you think about going to the kitchen for a quick snack, test your hunger level, using the HALT method. Are you:


Ask yourself this and see what your answer is. More times than not, you are really not hungry, but one of the other three. If you’re not hungry, step away from the kitchen and go find something else to do to busy yourself.

Staying Grateful Despite Problems

Are you dreading Thanksgiving this year because you aren’t so thankful? Do your problems loom so large over you that you don’t think there’s any possible way to enjoy this thankful holiday season? There is hope!

The trick is staying grateful, despite your problems. Look, it’s no secret. We all have problems that we deal with on a daily basis. Have you ever wondered why it seems like some people can laugh and smile, even though they have problems that weigh on their minds?

Their secret isn’t a secret at all. It’s all in your mindset.

You can choose to be happy, regardless of what problems you face. Or, you can choose to let your problems weigh you down so much that you can’t sleep at night and you walk around with a sour look on your face.

It is a proven fact that people who seem happy simply choose to not allow their problems to get the best of them. Not only that, but they have a positive outlook on life. They believe that no matter what problems arise, they are going to make it through them just fine.

Even though you are facing surmounting problems, stop for a moment and ask yourself what is GOOD in your life right now.

• What is going right for you?
• Is your family healthy?
• Do you have a job?
• Are you steadily working to change your situation?

Choose to remain grateful in the middle of your difficult situation. Find a way to put a smile on your face, no matter what you’re going through.

You can choose to suffer, or choose to be grateful. What do you choose?

Relieve Your Stress With A Hobby

Stress is one of the major factors of depression. With growing demands of everyday life, stress can quickly pull you down. One of the easiest ways to relieve stress is to have a hobby.

Maybe you’d like to take up a hobby but aren’t sure what to do. Here are some great ideas for stress-soothing hobbies:

• Wood burning and carving – Men especially find wood burning projects very calming and soothing. Likewise, sculpting beautiful images from wood can be not only a stress reliever, but rewarding hobby as well.

• Ceramics – Ceramics is almost a lost art today. However, the process of taking a raw piece and creating a beautiful work of art is a very rewarding hobby.

• Reading for pleasure – If you do a lot of reading every day for your business, then you probably don’t read for pleasure any more. Grab a book in a genre that you’d never read and give it a go.

• Hand embroidery – Designing and creating beautiful fiber art by hand is extremely calming.

• Golf – Golf has been widely used as a stress-relieving hobby. Many golf enthusiasts claim that golf can take your mind off your problems and greatly reduce your stress levels.

No matter what hobby you take up, the idea is to do something to relieve stress. Set aside time every week to work on your hobby and you’ll soon find that your stress levels will be greatly reduced in very little time.

Motivate Yourself to Try Again

Are you stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out of it? Are you tired of failing but feel like you don’t have the courage to try again? I have three rut-busters that will help you motivate yourself to get up and try again.

Rut-buster #1 – Look at your progress. One of the quickest ways you can motivate yourself to get up and try again is to take a look at how far you’ve already come. Do you really want to give up and quit now? I don’t think so!

When you begin to feel like there’s no use in pushing on any further, stop for a minute. Take a good look at just how far you’ve come along the way. I’ll bet you just might be surprised at how much more progress you’ve made, than you thought you had.

Rut-buster #2 – Take another look at your ultimate goal. What are you working toward achieving? Can you smell success? Can you imagine what it feels like?

Getting a good mental image of what you want can quickly motivate you to try again. In fact, being able to mentally visualize the outcome that you hope for can help motivate you over and over again.

Rut-buster #3 – Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. How often do you give yourself credit for having completed something or given your all? All too often people tend to give in to negative thinking: ‘I should have done that differently.’ ‘I could have done better on that task.’ ‘I really screwed up that one.’

If this sounds like your own thought process, stop thinking that way! Start giving yourself credit where credit is due.

The Keys To Success

Success is defined as an event that accomplishes its intended purpose. To reach a measurable level of success, you have to be prepared. Once you are prepared, accomplishing your purpose will be more than possible, easy even.

Here are the five keys that will lead you to success every time:

1) Know what you want. In order to be successful, you have to first have a goal in mind. The only way you’ll be successful is to know specifically what you want in life.

2) Align yourself with other successful people. Start hanging around with those who are successful. Listen to their conversations. Watch how they react to challenges. You can learn a lot just by surrounding yourself with other successful people.

3) Read about successful people. I’m sure like many, there are people that you admire. Read their biographies and learn about their failures that led to ultimate success. It will inspire and motivate you to continue on.

3) Practice what you want to become. Just because you know what you want, that doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to get there. However, you can act “as if.” The best way to do this is to practice being successful.

4) Hone in on your passion. If you aren’t passionate about what you’re doing, you will probably never enjoy it. Enjoying what you do will make you even more excited and enthusiastic about doing it.

5) Improve your self-esteem. Everyone can use a little self-esteem boost now and then. High self-esteem will give you the confidence you need to keep moving forward, even when it seems like there’s no way to win.

Is Anxiety Controlling Your Life?

Word Web defines anxiety as a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic. Anxiety causes you to worry about things that could never even happen.

One of the main issues regarding anxiety is the fact that it so easily consumes a person’s life. In very little time, anxiety attacks can cause a person to feel out of control, crazy even. With symptoms like sweating, nervousness, nausea and tension, breathlessness, and anxiety can make you feel as though you might even die.

Many people who suffer from anxiety are ashamed of how they feel. They think that something really terrible must be wrong with them, for them to experience such horrible things. They are often afraid to tell their doctor, for fear they may be hospitalized in a mental institution.

Those suffering from severe anxiety may feel like it will never end. Many become hermits, as they stay indoors to hide from the public because they are afraid their secret will come out if they are around others. In fact, some may even experience feelings of paranoia as well.

If any of these symptoms discussed within this article sound like something that you have been experiencing, there is hope for you. Don’t allow anxiety to take control of your life. If you have been feeling like you can’t be around other people, or that you can’t leave the house, your anxiety could be more severe. Make an appointment to see your physician as soon as possible, to discuss potential medication to help your situation.

I Don’t Have Time!

How often have you said those exact words? We are each allotted 24 hours every day. Yet somehow we don’t all seem to have enough time to do what needs to be done.

If you’ve been complaining about not having enough time lately, here are some simple ways you can shave minutes off your daily activities.

• Set the coffee pot before you go to bed. Almost all coffee pots today come with a clock and timer. If you’re a coffee drinker, fix your coffee and set the timer the night before. If you set it to brew 15 minutes before your alarm goes off, it will be ready and waiting for you when you wake up.

• Use the crock pot. The crock pot is quite possibly one of the most underused kitchen essentials. You can create endless dinners by simply combining everything in the pot and letting it cook on low heat all day. When you come home from work, you have a ready-made hot dinner.

• Iron your clothes on the weekend. If you only iron for one person, you are probably spending at least 2-3 hours total ironing. If you have a family and iron for everyone else, too, that number is probably tripled. Make Saturday your laundry day: wash, dry, and iron all clothing for the week.

• Share your responsibilities. Don’t try to do everything on your own. Create a family chore chart and dole out jobs to each of your family members. Even if you have young children, they can help out, too.

How To Ward Off Holiday Depression

Every year hundreds of thousands of people across the world suffer from holiday depression. Family squabbles are almost always at the brunt of this problem. Close behind that are things like job loss, marital problems and the death of a loved one. Use these simple tips to help ward off holiday depression this year:

• Be joyful. The hardest thing to do sometimes is just to smile. But sometimes even a simple gesture such as this can make a huge difference in the way you feel. Practice being joyful every day.

• Sing. Singing can lift your spirits in a way that nothing else can. If you don’t like seasonal music, then put on one of your favorite CDs and sing along with the artist.

• Remember the good times. One of the biggest reasons for holiday depression is the loss of a loved one. If you are experiencing this sorrow, try to reflect on the good times you had together, rather than focusing on the grief you feel. Allow yourself to recall funny stories and good times together.

• Go on vacation. For some, the best way to overcome holiday depression is to just get away for a little while. Take that extended vacation you’ve been dreaming of. It could be just the cure you need to perk up your heart once again.

• Don’t overdo it. All too often the holidays are stressful to those who may not blessed financially as others. If you are struggling over your finances, don’t try to go overboard by purchasing gifts for everyone. Instead, plan a nice quiet dinner at home with your family and enjoy each other’s company while watching old holiday movies.

Get More Sleep Now

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you go to sleep, but wake up frequently throughout the night? There are several kinds of sleep disorders, all of which plague hundreds of thousands of people every night. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, here are some things you can try to help you get more sleep every night:

• Get more physical exercise during the day. People who are more sedentary throughout the day especially tend to have more trouble sleeping at night. It is important to move around during the day so that you’ll be tired enough at night to sleep.

• Have a bedtime routine. While you might have set a routine for your children at night, you probably have neglected to do the same for yourself. Try setting a bedtime routine for yourself and see if it will help you sleep better.

• Take a warm bath about an hour before bedtime. If you are overly tired, a soothing warm bubble bath could be just what you need to calm your nerves. Add a dash of lavender bubble bath, too.

• Journal before you go to sleep. Sometimes the main cause of sleepless nights is worry. When you go to bed with worry and trouble on your mind, you tend to wake up more and have more restless nights. Try journaling just before bed, to get out all those pent-up thoughts and emotions.

• Use aromatherapy to soothe yourself before bedtime. Lots of people swear by aromatherapy and use it to help them sleep at night. Plug in your favorite, calming scent and turn on some soothing classical music for a lullaby.

Exercise Is Important To Your Mental Health

Have you been experiencing a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress in your life lately? Do you feel depression sinking in? There is a single key to boosting your mental health—exercise.

Research has shown that patients suffering from depression see a dramatic improvement in their mental status whenever they keep a regular exercise routine. Practice some of these exercises on a daily basis to improve your mental health:

• Walking – It can’t be said enough that walking is one of the simplest and easiest forms of exercise that almost anybody is capable of doing. You don’t have to go for a power walk for it to count. Just get outdoors and walk for a full twenty minutes or longer. Breathing the fresh air and getting natural sunlight is conducive to a better frame of mind.

• Jump rope – A quick morning routine of jumping rope will get your blood stirring fast.

• Aerobics – Aerobics have long been a fun way to get exercise. The more different the routine, the more fun the exercise will be. Look for fun exercise videos that are a little different from the same old boring routines.

• Kickbox Aerobics – Kickbox aerobics is a vigorous, but very fun type of aerobics. You’ll get fit and learn some great self-defense moves in the process.
Get out and get busy exercising today. Try it for three weeks and track your progress and mental status throughout the weeks. Discover how exercise makes you feel.

Give A Gift of Thanks

Every Thanksgiving seems to bring about the same thing: a huge family dinner, football game, and everyone groaning about how much they shouldn’t have eaten. This year, why not do something different? Give a gift of thanks to someone you love.

Usually people only consider Christmas to be the time of year to give special gifts. But Thanksgiving is the perfect time to give someone this special gift of thanks—a gratitude journal.

A gratitude journal is a notebook that is filled with things you are thankful, or grateful, for. It is special because not only does it help open your eyes even more to the small things that we so often overlook, but it helps someone else to see us in a new light, too.

A gratitude journal can be kept all year long, if you’d like to give a plump journal to someone. However, you can create a nice, simple, small gratitude journal in a very short amount of time.

First, choose a small journal. Usually a pocket-sized notebook with a hard cover is the perfect size for this project.

Second, decide who you are going to create this gratitude journal for. Perhaps you want to show your spouse how much you love him/her. Maybe you haven’t felt as connected to your teen as you once were. Or maybe you miss your best friend that you haven’t talked to in a long time.

Next, think about what you want to include in this journal. Think about all the ways that you are grateful to have this person in your life.

Finally, begin to write a list on each page of the things you are grateful for. The size of your gratitude list on each page will depend largely on how big your journal is. If it’s a pocket-sized journal, you might write 5 things per page. If it’s larger, you might be able to fit 15 or 20 per page.

When you have every page in your gratitude journal filled, it’s time to package the journal. If you want to recover the journal, do so now. When you’re finished, wrap the journal in a fall wrapping, then give it to that special someone on Thanksgiving.

Change Your Outlook On Life

Are you becoming a pessimistic person? Do you commonly find things that are wrong, rather than the positives in any given situation? It’s time to change your outlook on life.

Did you know that just by changing your outlook on life you can actually improve your health? Here are some quick tips you can use, starting now:

• Practice positive thinking. There’s only one way you will change your way of thinking—with lots of practice. In order to create new habits, you must repeatedly practice it on a daily basis. So put on your positive thinking hat.

• Look for the good things. It doesn’t take much effort to point out everything that’s wrong. When you find yourself nit-picking, make yourself stop and then purposefully look for something good, instead.

• Forgive, even if you can’t forget. The old saying, “Forgive and forget” has been used quite a bit throughout the years. But we all know that forgiving is often times easier than forgetting. Take a small step towards forgiveness. While you won’t forget what happened, forgiveness prevents bitterness, which is extremely taxing, on both your soul and your mind.

• Be ready for the best. No matter what kind of life you’ve had up to this point, there is always hope for the future. If you’ve been struggling, prepare yourself for better things to come. Sometimes the darkest night is just before the dawn.

Brainstorm Your Way to Better Health

UC Medical Center Women’s Health Research Program conducted a research which showed that women are more prone to depression than men. Furthermore, evidence proved that healthy women produce less serotonin than men. What does this mean? For women who already have a low level of serotonin, stress can totally wipe out the remaining, which leads to an onslaught of depression.

Perhaps one of the reasons for women being more susceptible to depression than men is because we are the caregivers. We take care of our families and everyone else and put ourselves on the back burners. It is time to stand up and make a positive change, though. Here are several ways you can brainstorm your way to better health:

1) Write down 5 ways you would like your health to improve.
2) List 4 reasons why you need to work harder on improving your health.
3) Write down every person in your family who has health problems and list what problems they are. Now put a check by the ones that you are experiencing right now.

Continue brainstorming in this fashion. Sometimes it just takes a cold, harsh dose of reality to wake you up.

After you get all these things on paper, now start over and brainstorm all things you can do to become proactive in your life. List all the tiny changes you can start to make. Once you get busy working n the little things, the bigger things will become easier to change, too.

Blast Away Procrastination—Plan Your Daily Activities

One problem that many procrastinators seem to face is not planning ahead. When you don’t have a plan for each day, you’ll be much more likely to put things off because you’ll never feel a sense of urgency to get anything done.

A daily task list helps to keep you on track with your goals. It also creates a feeling of importance for each task, which will push you to work harder towards completing everything.

To get you started, let’s create a daily task list for you:

1. First, sit down with a pen and paper (don’t use the computer for this!) and write down everything you do, or need to do, in a week’s time. If you want to plan ahead for next week, then write down everything you have to get done next week. Just make a simple, unnumbered list.

It is important that you write down everything, no matter how minute it seems. Write it all down—everything from brushing your teeth to job tasks. If it has to be done, write it down.

2. After you’ve listed every single thing you need to do next week, you’re ready to do triage.

During this second stage of the process, you are going to reread your list and eliminate any unnecessary tasks.

First, go back through your list and see if there are any tasks that are glaringly needless. Most of the time, you’ll automatically be able to point them out with no problem at all. If you see tasks that seem to be unnecessary, just draw a line through them to mark them out.

Now that you’ve done this quick process of elimination, it’s time for the dirty work. Of the remaining tasks on your list, which ones take up too much of your time? Which ones do you end up wasting time on, when they really aren’t all that important? Cross them off your list.

What we are doing here is paring down your list to get to the bare bones. The only tasks we want on your list are the ones that are truly important and necessary to your daily existence—in both your personal life and your career.

If you work from home, doing this is probably more important to you. Your time is even more precious and is probably more difficult to manage. Working from the comfort of home tends to make one just a tad bit lazier than the next person. Eliminating these unnecessary tasks will help free up more of your time to work on building your business.

3. Prioritize your new task list. Now that you have eliminated all the time suckers from your task list, you can prioritize your new list.

First, if your task list is a weekly one, break it down into a daily task list. Many times you’ll have repetitive tasks, and then a few extra ones. That’s fine.

Take your daily task list and give each task a number, with 1 being the most important task on your list. No two tasks should have the same number.

After you’ve completed your task prioritization, take another look at your list. If you think some tasks need to be rearranged then do that now. Keep rearranging the tasks until they are in order of importance to you.

Now you have a list of your daily tasks. These must be done every single day. If something doesn’t look right, or if you realize you forgot a task or two, change your task list as needed.

This isn’t something that is written in stone. Rather, your daily task list is flexible and should be changed and updated as needed.

Are Your Goals Lacking Oomph?

Goal setting is something that anyone can do. But after having set your goals, are they lacking oomph? Do you feel totally uninspired by them, so much so that you’ve already forgotten all about them? Take a look at how you can add some life to your goals…

Dream bigger. Are your goals so small and insignificant that you don’t care about them? While it is important to be realistic when setting goals, it is equally important to allow yourself to dream big. Set some goals that you can accomplish quickly, as a self-esteem and confidence booster. Then set some bigger goals that will take a little longer and a little more work to accomplish.

Reward yourself. Sometimes your goals are great ones. The problem is that you lose excitement because you don’t reward yourself for your accomplishments. Set up several benchmarks and when you reach each one, give yourself something nice as a reward: a day at the spa, a manicure, a shopping trip. Be sure to save the best reward for last!

Get others involved. A terrific way to stay motivated and excited about your goals is to get others involved. Enlist some close friends or family members as your personal cheerleader. Ask them to help you stay motivated and focused by checking up on your progress and complimenting you on jobs well done.

If your goals aren’t getting you excited, then it’s time to change that today. After all, what good is a goal if you aren’t ecstatic about reaching it?

Are You Good Enough?

Self-esteem is an important part of every person’s life. Low self-esteem seems to be a plague among many children and adults alike. Feeling like you’re never “good enough” creates a continuous circular motion of low self-esteem and self-worth. This article will define self esteem and give you some specific ways you can build your own self-esteem.

Self-esteem is defined as a feeling of pride in yourself. Self-esteem is usually thought of as a result of your environment. If you were abused as a child, you probably grew up with low or no self-esteem.

Signs of low self-esteem can include:

• The need for certain things to be perfect.
• Unrealistic expectations for self and/or others.
• Possessing a “herd” mentality (doing what everyone else does).
• Constant feelings of unhappiness.
• No self-confidence.
• Focusing on problems, rather than solutions.
• A pessimistic attitude.

It is possible to build your self-esteem if you have low or no self-esteem. You should be aware though that this takes time, and is not something that happens in an instant. That being said, here are some simple ways you can work on having a more positive self-esteem:

• Allow yourself to dream big for yourself.
• Set measurable goals that you can accomplish.
• Keep a file of nice compliments others pay you. Refer to this file when you’re feeling down or need a quick boost of confidence.
• Surround yourself with positive people.
• Assign yourself a personal cheerleader and call on that person when you need motivating.
• Don’t make assumptions. Instead, search for truth and facts when you begin to feel out of control.

Are You Depressed?

Depression is a serious illness that affects about 17 million Americans every year. Surprisingly, depression affects more people than cancer does. Depression can cause you to feel a wide range of unhealthy emotions. If you have been feeling down but aren’t really sure if you are depressed or not, take this self-quiz today.

DIRECTIONS: Answer YES or NO to each of the following questions.

1. Are you experiencing extreme sadness that you can’t explain?
2. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
3. Has there been a significant change in your appetite lately?
4. Do you experience frequent mood swings that are not associated with PMS?
5. Do you dread being around friends and family to the point that you avoid them at all cost?
6. Has your sex drive decreased?
7. Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and get dressed?
8. Have you lost a dear friend or loved one in the last six months?
9. Have you recently lost a job or been passed over for a promotion at work?
10. Have you recently returned home from war?

SCORING: Give yourself 1 point for each YES and 0 points for every NO. Total your score then refer to the chart below.

6 or more – You are probably experiencing symptoms of depression. Seek medical attention immediately.

3-5 – Recent changes in your life could be causing you to experience some degree of depression.

3 or less – Some life events could be making you feel as though you aren’t in control of your life. You may or may not be depressed, but a visit to your physician should clear things up for you. As always, if you think you even the slightest bit depressed, it is always advisable to seek medical attention. This article is written solely for the informational purposes only.

Are You Bringing Stress Home With You?

According to the experts at the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, stress is linked to both physical and mental health, as well as decreased willingness to take on new and creative endeavors. With this kind of findings, it is no wonder that so many people feel burned out every single day.

In addition, researchers found that up to 40% of job burnout in the United States is due to stress. Stress affects millions of people every single day. Much of marital and family problems occur because of stress being brought home from the work place. Take this quick quiz to see if you are bringing stress home with you.

Directions: Answer YES or NO to the following questions.

1) Do you feel as stressed out when you walk in the door of your home as you did when you left work?

2) Do you have a daily after-work routine that allows you to unwind and de-stress?

3) Do your work problems weigh heavily on your mind, even when you are trying to have a nice relaxing evening at home?

4) Do you find it difficult to carry on a conversation with your spouse that doesn’t have something to do with work-related issues?

5) Are you able to deal with problems at work in a calm manner?

If you answered YES to three or more of these questions, chances are you are bringing stress home with you. Here are some possible solutions you should try:

• Sign up for a gym pass. Go at least 3 days per week after work to work out your frustrations.

• See a therapist. Sometimes all you need is a good therapist to listen to you and help you figure out how to better deal with work stress.

• Go for massage therapy. A professional masseuse can do wonders for tired, sore muscles that are due to stress.

21 Days To A Brand New Habit

You can create a new habit in just 21 days. It requires persistence, effort and dedication. Do you really want to change a bad habit? You can, but you’ll have to work hard at it.

Kick off your new—good—habit with these quick tips on building new habits.

1. Determine you will change the bad habit. The first step is always reframing the way you think. If you don’t think you can change a bad habit, then chances are you never will. You must first agree with yourself that you can and will create a better habit to replace the bad one.

2. Find a good habit to replace the old one. Before you can replace a bad habit, you have to be able to have a newer, better one to replace it with. If you want to change your bad habit of being pessimistic, then a good habit to replace it with would be to become a more positive person.

3. Actively force yourself to perform the new habit. The truth is that new habits feel weird at first. Saying something optimistic, instead of negative, will feel downright strange. But if you are persistent and keep at it, being a positive person will eventually become natural to you. You must force yourself to practice the new habit, though, even when it feels wrong or strange.

Even though I’m sure you’ve already heard it said plenty of times, it really is true that it takes a full 3 weeks to change a habit. Another old saying that applies to this is “Practice makes perfect.” Write that down and repeat it to yourself a few times every day.

6 Ways To Increase Your Creativity

Creativity is the ability to create, also known as the creative process. Sometimes though creativity seems to fall through the ground and you might feel like you just can’t possibly think of anything to do to help it. If your creativity levels have been low lately, here are six ways to increase your creativity:

1. Don’t dwell on your lack of creativity. The worse thing to do if you’re feeling uncreative is to sit around and think about how you don’t feel creative. Get up and do something else instead.

2. Keep an idea bank. An idea bank is a necessary source for you to draw ideas from when your creativity levels are low. Stock pile your idea bank when your creative juices are flowing and then you will have lots of creativity to draw from later.

3. Ask lots of questions. One really good way to get that creativity flowing again is to ask a lot of “What if…?” questions. Those can really get your mind to thinking about things you might not ordinarily consider.

4. Create mini challenges for yourself. Challenges are a great way to really prime the creative pump. Set some small goals for creative things you want to accomplish.

5. Set a self-imposed deadline. Deadlines have a tendency to make us work harder and faster to accomplish our goals. If your lack of creativity has caused you to procrastinate, set a deadline.

6. Move your work space around. Sometimes something as simple as moving the furniture in a different position can jar you out of a creative slump. Give it a try and see if it works for you.