Are Your Goals Lacking Oomph?

Goal setting is something that anyone can do. But after having set your goals, are they lacking oomph? Do you feel totally uninspired by them, so much so that you’ve already forgotten all about them? Take a look at how you can add some life to your goals…

Dream bigger. Are your goals so small and insignificant that you don’t care about them? While it is important to be realistic when setting goals, it is equally important to allow yourself to dream big. Set some goals that you can accomplish quickly, as a self-esteem and confidence booster. Then set some bigger goals that will take a little longer and a little more work to accomplish.

Reward yourself. Sometimes your goals are great ones. The problem is that you lose excitement because you don’t reward yourself for your accomplishments. Set up several benchmarks and when you reach each one, give yourself something nice as a reward: a day at the spa, a manicure, a shopping trip. Be sure to save the best reward for last!

Get others involved. A terrific way to stay motivated and excited about your goals is to get others involved. Enlist some close friends or family members as your personal cheerleader. Ask them to help you stay motivated and focused by checking up on your progress and complimenting you on jobs well done.

If your goals aren’t getting you excited, then it’s time to change that today. After all, what good is a goal if you aren’t ecstatic about reaching it?

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