Get More Sleep Now

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you go to sleep, but wake up frequently throughout the night? There are several kinds of sleep disorders, all of which plague hundreds of thousands of people every night. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, here are some things you can try to help you get more sleep every night:

• Get more physical exercise during the day. People who are more sedentary throughout the day especially tend to have more trouble sleeping at night. It is important to move around during the day so that you’ll be tired enough at night to sleep.

• Have a bedtime routine. While you might have set a routine for your children at night, you probably have neglected to do the same for yourself. Try setting a bedtime routine for yourself and see if it will help you sleep better.

• Take a warm bath about an hour before bedtime. If you are overly tired, a soothing warm bubble bath could be just what you need to calm your nerves. Add a dash of lavender bubble bath, too.

• Journal before you go to sleep. Sometimes the main cause of sleepless nights is worry. When you go to bed with worry and trouble on your mind, you tend to wake up more and have more restless nights. Try journaling just before bed, to get out all those pent-up thoughts and emotions.

• Use aromatherapy to soothe yourself before bedtime. Lots of people swear by aromatherapy and use it to help them sleep at night. Plug in your favorite, calming scent and turn on some soothing classical music for a lullaby.

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