Tips For A Winning Attitude

Every dieter struggles to maintain a weight loss attitude. All it takes is one tiny slip of eating too much chocolate and you want to quit. If you’ve tried to diet but think it’s just too hard and want to give up, try these four tips to develop a losing attitude.

1) Never give up. The first rule you must learn is that you can never give up. No matter how difficult things become, or how much you’d love to cheat on your diet, you can never give up.

2) Each day is a new day. One of the biggest reasons why so many diets fail is because you cheat one day then feel so guilty that you tell yourself that it’s useless and that you may as well just give up. (See Rule #1.)

3) Set yourself up for success. Failure does not happen for any good reason at all. If you fail it’s because you have surrounded yourself with a failing environment. If your weakness is snack cakes, then throw away any in your cabinets and don’t buy another box to bring home. When you set yourself up for success, your diet will be much easier to follow.

4) Test your hunger level. The next time you think about going to the kitchen for a quick snack, test your hunger level, using the HALT method. Are you:


Ask yourself this and see what your answer is. More times than not, you are really not hungry, but one of the other three. If you’re not hungry, step away from the kitchen and go find something else to do to busy yourself.

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