Is Anxiety Controlling Your Life?

Word Web defines anxiety as a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic. Anxiety causes you to worry about things that could never even happen.

One of the main issues regarding anxiety is the fact that it so easily consumes a person’s life. In very little time, anxiety attacks can cause a person to feel out of control, crazy even. With symptoms like sweating, nervousness, nausea and tension, breathlessness, and anxiety can make you feel as though you might even die.

Many people who suffer from anxiety are ashamed of how they feel. They think that something really terrible must be wrong with them, for them to experience such horrible things. They are often afraid to tell their doctor, for fear they may be hospitalized in a mental institution.

Those suffering from severe anxiety may feel like it will never end. Many become hermits, as they stay indoors to hide from the public because they are afraid their secret will come out if they are around others. In fact, some may even experience feelings of paranoia as well.

If any of these symptoms discussed within this article sound like something that you have been experiencing, there is hope for you. Don’t allow anxiety to take control of your life. If you have been feeling like you can’t be around other people, or that you can’t leave the house, your anxiety could be more severe. Make an appointment to see your physician as soon as possible, to discuss potential medication to help your situation.

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