Are You Depressed?

Depression is a serious illness that affects about 17 million Americans every year. Surprisingly, depression affects more people than cancer does. Depression can cause you to feel a wide range of unhealthy emotions. If you have been feeling down but aren’t really sure if you are depressed or not, take this self-quiz today.

DIRECTIONS: Answer YES or NO to each of the following questions.

1. Are you experiencing extreme sadness that you can’t explain?
2. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
3. Has there been a significant change in your appetite lately?
4. Do you experience frequent mood swings that are not associated with PMS?
5. Do you dread being around friends and family to the point that you avoid them at all cost?
6. Has your sex drive decreased?
7. Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and get dressed?
8. Have you lost a dear friend or loved one in the last six months?
9. Have you recently lost a job or been passed over for a promotion at work?
10. Have you recently returned home from war?

SCORING: Give yourself 1 point for each YES and 0 points for every NO. Total your score then refer to the chart below.

6 or more – You are probably experiencing symptoms of depression. Seek medical attention immediately.

3-5 – Recent changes in your life could be causing you to experience some degree of depression.

3 or less – Some life events could be making you feel as though you aren’t in control of your life. You may or may not be depressed, but a visit to your physician should clear things up for you. As always, if you think you even the slightest bit depressed, it is always advisable to seek medical attention. This article is written solely for the informational purposes only.

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