6 Ways To Increase Your Creativity

Creativity is the ability to create, also known as the creative process. Sometimes though creativity seems to fall through the ground and you might feel like you just can’t possibly think of anything to do to help it. If your creativity levels have been low lately, here are six ways to increase your creativity:

1. Don’t dwell on your lack of creativity. The worse thing to do if you’re feeling uncreative is to sit around and think about how you don’t feel creative. Get up and do something else instead.

2. Keep an idea bank. An idea bank is a necessary source for you to draw ideas from when your creativity levels are low. Stock pile your idea bank when your creative juices are flowing and then you will have lots of creativity to draw from later.

3. Ask lots of questions. One really good way to get that creativity flowing again is to ask a lot of “What if…?” questions. Those can really get your mind to thinking about things you might not ordinarily consider.

4. Create mini challenges for yourself. Challenges are a great way to really prime the creative pump. Set some small goals for creative things you want to accomplish.

5. Set a self-imposed deadline. Deadlines have a tendency to make us work harder and faster to accomplish our goals. If your lack of creativity has caused you to procrastinate, set a deadline.

6. Move your work space around. Sometimes something as simple as moving the furniture in a different position can jar you out of a creative slump. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

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