Are You Good Enough?

Self-esteem is an important part of every person’s life. Low self-esteem seems to be a plague among many children and adults alike. Feeling like you’re never “good enough” creates a continuous circular motion of low self-esteem and self-worth. This article will define self esteem and give you some specific ways you can build your own self-esteem.

Self-esteem is defined as a feeling of pride in yourself. Self-esteem is usually thought of as a result of your environment. If you were abused as a child, you probably grew up with low or no self-esteem.

Signs of low self-esteem can include:

• The need for certain things to be perfect.
• Unrealistic expectations for self and/or others.
• Possessing a “herd” mentality (doing what everyone else does).
• Constant feelings of unhappiness.
• No self-confidence.
• Focusing on problems, rather than solutions.
• A pessimistic attitude.

It is possible to build your self-esteem if you have low or no self-esteem. You should be aware though that this takes time, and is not something that happens in an instant. That being said, here are some simple ways you can work on having a more positive self-esteem:

• Allow yourself to dream big for yourself.
• Set measurable goals that you can accomplish.
• Keep a file of nice compliments others pay you. Refer to this file when you’re feeling down or need a quick boost of confidence.
• Surround yourself with positive people.
• Assign yourself a personal cheerleader and call on that person when you need motivating.
• Don’t make assumptions. Instead, search for truth and facts when you begin to feel out of control.

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