I Don’t Have Time!

How often have you said those exact words? We are each allotted 24 hours every day. Yet somehow we don’t all seem to have enough time to do what needs to be done.

If you’ve been complaining about not having enough time lately, here are some simple ways you can shave minutes off your daily activities.

• Set the coffee pot before you go to bed. Almost all coffee pots today come with a clock and timer. If you’re a coffee drinker, fix your coffee and set the timer the night before. If you set it to brew 15 minutes before your alarm goes off, it will be ready and waiting for you when you wake up.

• Use the crock pot. The crock pot is quite possibly one of the most underused kitchen essentials. You can create endless dinners by simply combining everything in the pot and letting it cook on low heat all day. When you come home from work, you have a ready-made hot dinner.

• Iron your clothes on the weekend. If you only iron for one person, you are probably spending at least 2-3 hours total ironing. If you have a family and iron for everyone else, too, that number is probably tripled. Make Saturday your laundry day: wash, dry, and iron all clothing for the week.

• Share your responsibilities. Don’t try to do everything on your own. Create a family chore chart and dole out jobs to each of your family members. Even if you have young children, they can help out, too.

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