Are You Bringing Stress Home With You?

According to the experts at the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, stress is linked to both physical and mental health, as well as decreased willingness to take on new and creative endeavors. With this kind of findings, it is no wonder that so many people feel burned out every single day.

In addition, researchers found that up to 40% of job burnout in the United States is due to stress. Stress affects millions of people every single day. Much of marital and family problems occur because of stress being brought home from the work place. Take this quick quiz to see if you are bringing stress home with you.

Directions: Answer YES or NO to the following questions.

1) Do you feel as stressed out when you walk in the door of your home as you did when you left work?

2) Do you have a daily after-work routine that allows you to unwind and de-stress?

3) Do your work problems weigh heavily on your mind, even when you are trying to have a nice relaxing evening at home?

4) Do you find it difficult to carry on a conversation with your spouse that doesn’t have something to do with work-related issues?

5) Are you able to deal with problems at work in a calm manner?

If you answered YES to three or more of these questions, chances are you are bringing stress home with you. Here are some possible solutions you should try:

• Sign up for a gym pass. Go at least 3 days per week after work to work out your frustrations.

• See a therapist. Sometimes all you need is a good therapist to listen to you and help you figure out how to better deal with work stress.

• Go for massage therapy. A professional masseuse can do wonders for tired, sore muscles that are due to stress.

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