Motivate Yourself to Try Again

Are you stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out of it? Are you tired of failing but feel like you don’t have the courage to try again? I have three rut-busters that will help you motivate yourself to get up and try again.

Rut-buster #1 – Look at your progress. One of the quickest ways you can motivate yourself to get up and try again is to take a look at how far you’ve already come. Do you really want to give up and quit now? I don’t think so!

When you begin to feel like there’s no use in pushing on any further, stop for a minute. Take a good look at just how far you’ve come along the way. I’ll bet you just might be surprised at how much more progress you’ve made, than you thought you had.

Rut-buster #2 – Take another look at your ultimate goal. What are you working toward achieving? Can you smell success? Can you imagine what it feels like?

Getting a good mental image of what you want can quickly motivate you to try again. In fact, being able to mentally visualize the outcome that you hope for can help motivate you over and over again.

Rut-buster #3 – Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. How often do you give yourself credit for having completed something or given your all? All too often people tend to give in to negative thinking: ‘I should have done that differently.’ ‘I could have done better on that task.’ ‘I really screwed up that one.’

If this sounds like your own thought process, stop thinking that way! Start giving yourself credit where credit is due.

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