Creativity And Self-Esteem

Whether you consider yourself to be especially creative or not, you can use positive self-esteem to bring a greater flow of creative inspiration into your life. Your self-esteem has a lot to do with your creativity, simply because everything you create contains a little piece of your unique essence.

This means that no two creations can be identical, whether they are paintings, sketches, floral arrangements, or written works. Even if you tried to duplicate a work done by someone else, yours would likely vary even in subtle ways. That’s because with everything you create, you bring your own personal perspective and experiences into the mix.

This is especially interesting when you consider that how you view yourself will be reflected in any of your creative works. If you think poorly of yourself, you might not put forth the same amount of effort and joy and passion into your work as you would with healthy self-esteem.

A poor self-image is usually accompanied by a sense of defeatism, a feeling that there is no point in trying to create anything beautiful because you probably wouldn’t do it right anyway. A poor self-image also nearly guarantees that even if you did create something beautiful, you wouldn’t see it as beautiful. You’d obsess over flaws and inconsistencies, and you would dismiss any compliments others tried to give you about your work.

A healthy self-esteem creates just the opposite effect. With positive self-esteem, you wouldn’t be afraid to engage deeply and meaningfully with your creative self. You would focus more on enjoying the creative process rather than obsessing about getting it “perfect.” You would take pleasure in the act of creating itself, as well as taking pleasure in the finished result of your efforts. You would enjoy the compliments that others give you about your works, and allow yourself to feel good about what you have accomplished.

Here are three simple ways to build your self-esteem and enhance your creativity:

Honor your uniqueness. Most of us spend a large portion of our adult lives trying desperately to blend in and be like everyone else, but eventually we come to the realization that such an intention diminishes our joy. Instead, take time each day to honor yourself for who you are. Let your uniqueness be a plus rather than a minus. Strive to make everything you do your own unique creation, whether you are focusing on mundane chores or work projects or a piece of artwork.

Love the process, not just the end result. Allow yourself to tap into your natural creative inspiration and engage fully with whatever you are doing. Let your creative self lead the way, and don’t worry about perfection or what others might think of you or your work. Allow yourself to enjoy every minute you spend in the act of creation, for it enhances your enjoyment of the end result too. If you don’t enjoy the journey, you won’t enjoy the destination either.

Know you deserve time to yourself. Creative activities are one of the things we tend to eschew when we get very busy or when we struggle with a poor self-image. Since they are typically viewed as unnecessary activities, we feel guilty taking time for something we enjoy doing.

Consider your creative activities as vital to your well-being as breathing and sleeping. Give yourself time to do things you enjoy each day. Affirm and know that you deserve the pleasure you get from exploring and expressing your creative side.

While healthy self-esteem can enhance your creativity, engaging in creative activities frequently can also help boost your self-esteem! Creative pursuits have a way of connecting us with our deeper selves in profound and beneficial ways.

The more you allow yourself this needed respite from the more mundane aspects of your life, the more the rest of your life will seem to transform into something beautiful also.

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