3 Simple Ways to Stimulate Your Creative Inspiration

When you’re not used to tapping your natural creative flow, it can seem incredibly difficult to awaken it. You may be so used to working long hours, dealing with problems, fighting traffic, or living your life on autopilot that you’ve forgotten how it feels to be creative and inspired.

You may be surprised to learn that awakening your creative inspiration can be a simple and quick process, if you use the right activities to do so.

Below are three simple suggestions for stimulating your creative inspiration.

Exercise. Exercise helps your body release all those feel-good endorphins that benefit you in so many ways. Besides better health and clearer thinking, your creative inspiration is naturally triggered by physical activity. Not just any physical activity, but those that make you feel happy and energetic.

Try walking briskly through a natural setting, dancing to upbeat music, or even engaging in a more soothing exercise like yoga. After your exercise session, spend a few minutes gently stretching your muscles and relaxing your body. Not only will you feel wonderful physically, but your senses will awaken and your creative inspiration will flow more naturally.

Meditate. Meditation is great for stress relief and spiritual pursuits, but it can also create a harmonious environment for your creative inspiration. In order to tap into your creativity, you need to feel relaxed, peaceful and happy. Meditation can easily help you achieve this, and it’s not as complex as you might fear. Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly with your eyes closed for 10 or 15 minutes.

The objective is to quiet your mental chatter and rest in a state of inner peacefulness. This may be challenging at first if you’ve never meditated before, but the more you do it the stronger your mental focus will get. It’s not uncommon for people to start with only 10 minutes of meditation a day, and quickly decide they like it so much that they extend that time to 30 or even 60 minutes! If you stick with it long enough, you’ll notice that not only do you feel more creative, you feel calm and in control in all areas of your life.

Breathe. Deep breathing gets ALL of your energy flowing more freely, which also boosts your creative inspiration. Most of us are shallow breathers, using only a portion of our lung capacity. This is especially true if you have a hectic and stressful life. Get into the habit of taking very slow, deep breaths several times a day and you’ll quickly notice a difference in how you think and feel.

A “deep” breath is one that starts in your abdomen. Place your hand on your tummy and allow it to expand as you begin inhaling. Once your abdomen is expanded fully, continue expanding up through your chest, fully filling your lungs with air. Then slowly exhale until your lungs are deflated. Do this 2 or 3 times, slowly so you don’t hyperventilate and get dizzy.

As you breathe deeply, imagine that you can feel your energy flowing freely through your body, awakening all of your senses. Besides being very relaxing, you’ll quickly notice that deep breathing makes your mind seem sharper and clearer, which helps you more easily tap into your creative inspiration.

Of course, once you’ve awakened your creative inspiration, it’s a good idea to set aside time for the expression of it. Even if you have limited time available, devote a few minutes a day to creative pursuits that make you feel good. By doing so, you keep your creative energy flowing more steadily.

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