Starting Your Creative Pursuits

You may think that creativity is all about the physical activities of writing, painting, drawing, or dancing, but creative pursuits are also valuable for what they awaken within you.

When you engage in creative activities, you tap into the essence of yourself. Some might call this your soul, your spirit, or your divine nature. This is the part of you that experiences consciousness, the part of you that loves and laughs and feels joy, and yes, creates. It is the part of you that is the unique expression of who you are at a core level.

When you’re out of touch with this vital part of yourself, your life may take on shades of gray. You may find yourself feeling bored, uninspired, depressed, aimless, or disinterested in just about everything.

When you awaken your authentic self, your life takes on brilliant colors. Everything around you seems brighter and clearer and more robust, including your job, your energy, your relationships, and even the food you eat.

Awakening your authentic self may seem daunting, but only until you realize how simple it can be when engaging in creative pursuits. When you do any creative activity, or even make an effort to think more creatively, you automatically tap into this core essence of yourself.

This can benefit and enhance your life in many ways, but here are just a few:

You feel calmer and happier with yourself. When you are engaged fully with your authentic self, you don’t worry so much about what others think of you. You are able to be genuine in your relationships with others, as well as being honest and respectful with yourself.

You find yourself wanting to do nice things for yourself more often, like taking better care of your body and making time to do things you enjoy. Inevitably, these activities will boost your self-esteem and contribute to a lasting positive self-image. Even better, the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to continue taking time to indulge your creative side, which keeps the positive cycle going.

You experience and hold less stress in your body and mind. Even when you’re not actively engaged in creative activities, you may discover that little things don’t seem to bother you as much as they once did. You are better able to let go of unproductive thoughts and unhealthy relationships.

Your authentic self is by nature very peaceful and joyful, and by connecting more frequently with this aspect of yourself you are able to carry these traits into every area of your life. As a result, you are better able to handle stressful moments, as well as let go of the stress when it threatens to take over your life.

You are more in touch with your passion. Passion has the ability to transform nearly any situation in your life, but it is most effective when applied to situations that are unfulfilling in some way.

Perhaps your job has become a bore or your relationships could use a little boost, but you’re not sure what to do about it. Connecting with your authentic self through creative pursuits gets you in touch with your inner passion and awakens your intuition about how to use it effectively. With a little introspection, you’ll know the best steps to take to turn around any dissatisfactory situation, or simply to add more passion to otherwise acceptable situations.

It may seem like too much effort to make time for your creative activities, but once you start incorporating even small changes you will quickly notice a difference in how you feel.

If you take it a step further and make your creative pursuits a high priority, sit back and watch in wonder as your authentic self awakens and takes over your entire life, painting it with rich colors, pleasing scents and meaningful experiences.

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