Creative Flavor Through Your Everyday Routine

We often link creativity to artistic pursuits, but we can add a dose of creativity to our everyday activities too. In this way, we are able to make our entire lives more creatively inspired, rather than saving creative inspiration for those odd moments when we have time to engage in creative activities.

Below you’ll find simple and effective ways to weave creativity into your daily activities:

Bring natural beauty indoors. Flower arrangements or mini-fountains are good ways to bring a creative flavor to a mundane setting. Stop by a floral shop on your way to work and buy a small arrangement of flowers to beautify your workspace, or stop after work and buy some for your home.

Even better, buy a few small arrangements and mix and match them to create something entirely new. Buy a mini-fountain or build one out of river rocks, and let the trickle of water soothe and inspire you.

Surround yourself with color. Experiment with different colors and pay attention to how they make you feel. You may discover, for example, that red makes you feel more empowered and inspired, so you might wear a red scarf or tie on the days when you feel out of touch with your creativity.

If your job is very stressful, try placing a lavender-scented candle in your workspace. Even if you can’t light it, you can look at the soothing color and take a whiff of the calming scent from time to time.

Shake up your routine. If you always visit the same coffee shop in the morning and order the same flavored coffee and the same plain bagel with cream cheese, why not try something new? Leave earlier and visit a diner for a hearty breakfast of eggs or pancakes. Try taking a different route home, or find a local park and take a walk before heading home.

Visit your local library some Saturday morning and explore new subjects. The more you can open your mind to new experiences, the richer and more creative your life will seem.

Just add music. Rather than doing chores and driving in silence, why not turn on some pleasing music? Even better, explore different types of music than you may be used to. Try hard rock while exercising, or opera while taking a bubble bath. Or if you usually listen to music, try tuning into a radio talk show to open your mind to new ideas and alternative views.

Engaging your mind and emotions while performing mundane activities can make the time seem to pass faster while also stimulating your creativity.

Spice up your diet. If you’ve gotten into the rut of eating the same old foods every day, try including new foods to tantalize your taste buds. Buy a book of interesting recipes or take a cooking class to experiment with different dishes. Ask friends with different ethnic backgrounds to share some of their favorite recipes with you, and share some of your favorites with them.

Visit new restaurants in your area and try menu choices that you wouldn’t ordinarily order. Since food is such a large part of our daily lives, expanding your food choices is a great way to add flavor and richness to your ordinary activities.

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