5 Ways To Bring More Creativity Into Your Life

Many of us live lives that are focused on everything BUT creativity. We’ve got heavy obligations, meetings, chores, commitments and endless demands coming from every direction. Who has time for creativity, and who has the energy for it, even when we have the time?

Fortunately, even small amounts of time spent in a creative mind-set can expand our creative vision, and in the process add a greater sense of enjoyment to every aspect of our lives. If you’ve lost touch with your creativity and want to recapture it again, there are very simple techniques you can use to do so – even if you don’t have a lot of spare time available.

Try something new as often as possible. It’s easy to fall into a rut of sameness in our lives. We travel the same route to the same job and do the same activities day after day. This puts our minds into a trance of sorts, because we can accomplish most everything on autopilot.

If we go on long enough like this, we forget that our lives could be any other way. Make a commitment to add at least one new activity to your life each week. It could be as simple as trying a new recipe, shopping at a different store, or taking an alternate driving route. Shake up your routine and you awaken your mind – and your creative inspiration.

See things from a different perspective. When was the last time you really LOOKED at the people and objects surrounding you? Are you really seeing them, or do they blend into the background because you’re so focused on other priorities? For a few minutes each day, take some time to really SEE what’s around you.

Notice your friend’s radiant smile, the way the sunlight plays on the clouds and trees, and the scents carried in the breeze. Lie in your back yard and gaze up at the clouds, or flip over and study the grass and insects. Observe everything more closely and you’ll suddenly realize you’re “seeing” much more than you did before.

Seek creative outlets more often. One reason many of us avoid creative pursuits is because we believe we don’t have time for them. You don’t have to spend a lot of time to get a lot of enjoyment from engaging your creativity. You may not be able to abandon your obligations but you can definitely squeeze in 10 or 15 minutes to write, paint, dance, sing, or stitch each day.

You may think that such a small amount of time wouldn’t make a difference, but those few minutes can seem like hours when you’re doing something you genuinely enjoy. You might even get inspired to allocate more time for creativity by reducing your television watching, eliminating an activity you no longer enjoy, or even switching jobs to gain more free time.

Recognize the streak of creative inspiration in all things. Have you ever wondered how ideas for common products and inventions were conceived? Look at all the items in your home, from artwork to kitchenware, and consider the process that the creators used to bring these items into your life.

Who thought up that nifty little gadget that helps you open bottles and jars more easily? Who got the idea to put paper towels on a roll for easier storage and use? Can you think of any great inventions that would make people’s lives easier? Can you think of ways to improve on the products you see around you? Whether you take action on any of these ideas isn’t important; just by thinking more creatively, you will be tapping into your own creative inspiration.

Open your mind and let good stuff seep in. One of the reasons we feel shut off from our creative vision is because we don’t spend enough time feeding it with positive ideas. Take time to open and expand your mind.

Read more, learn more, and open to the possibilities in your life. Focus more of your attention on positive, uplifting material. Read books that inspire you, visit an art gallery and look closely at the beautiful creations on display, or listen to music that stimulates your senses. Before long, you’ll be itching to express your creativity.

Remember that there is no right or wrong way to tap into your creativity; go with whatever works best for you. Use these ideas as they are, adjust them to better suit your circumstances, or use them as jumping off points for your own creative ideas. Simply focusing more on creativity alone will help you to tap into your natural creative flow.

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